Wednesday, October 20, 2010

"What I Know For Sure, as a Mommy"

1) I'll never get caught up on laundry.

2) Within an hour of Kev going on an out-of-town business trip, someone will puke.

3) Just when I think I have it all put together, my wonderful, beautiful, astute, 8 year old daughter will shove it up my behind and teach me a valuable lesson all at the same time.

4) My children love when I put "Mommy Love Notes' in their lunches for school.

5) My children hate when I forget to put "Mommy Love Notes" in their school lunches.   

6) Out of all the screaming, Hi-DB (high decibel) "Mommy voices" at an ice hockey game, my son can distinguish MY voice.

7) The time I spend with my kids in the waning hours of the evening, laying in bed next to them, asking them the "best and the worst" part of their day and singing "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" are some of the best moments of my life.

8) The time I spend with my kids in the waning hours of the evening, laying in bed next to them, asking them the "best and the worst" part of their day and singing "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" are some of the best moments of THEIR lives.  How do I know this?  They've told me so.

9) Someone is going to need me in the middle of the night...any night...every night...

10) And I know for sure, that if I could stop time right now...that's what I would do.  I have no issues with diapers, potty training, strollers, cribs, bottles, or breast feeding.  I have no issues with drugs, sex, talking back (well, in all honesty, that's starting), boyfriends I don't like, girlfreinds I don't like and driving.  Life is good.  Time could stand still and I would enjoy every minute of the toothless smiles and the wants and the needs of semi-independent children who still love their Mommy and look up to their Daddy.  

But the biggest part about "What I Know For Sure as a Mommy" is that I'm blessed to be one and that the two souls who chose me to lead and guide them through THIS lifetime are amazing...and my time with THEM is amazing...and nothing, and no one can take any of that away from any of us.   

That's pretty much all I know for sure as a Mommy.  


Lynette said...

Sounds like you're doing it right! Think how lucky your kiddos are!

StacyLynne said...

What I know for sure, as a Mommy...I have been humbled (giving birth does that to you)--History DOES NOT have to repeat itself (being raised by bad does not make one a bad raiser)--I really can do what I never thought I could (disease and ultimate love will do that)--Unconditional love and respect (If I give it to them, I get it back)