Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Cucumber Smiles

  An Expository writing exercise completed in school by my 8 year old daughter...word for grammatical corrections...She is in third grade and this is the first year she has started writing actual essays.  I so look forward to more of these.  They are such a healing force to a long and tiring day.  Enjoy and I hope it makes you giggle as much as Kev and I did. 

The assignment:  Write an expository paper about your favorite food.  Tell what your favorite food is, how you make it and why it is your favorite food.

"Sour Power Cucumber Salad"

"My favorite food is cucumber salad.  The ingredients are 4 peeled and sliced cucumbers, Maggie, green onions, some tipe of seasoning I forgot the name of it and a few other ingredients but I forgot them.  After it's done it looks like a bunch of sliced cucumbers dipped in a salad dressing but its not just so you know. 

It tastes sour that's why I like it so much.  We have these big popcorn bowls and my mom would make the salad in it and I could eat the hole bowl and I would still want more.  Then one day, she made a salad with tomatos and cucumbers so when I was done eating my family was still eating but I went up to the counter and plopped my fingers into the salad and ate all the cucumbers exept a couple because I didn't see them but when I was done I said I now pronounce this salad cucumber free!!  Cucumber salad charges my happy batteries.  I like it because its sour and its awsome and because it was made by my mom."

Please share with me some of your favorite "writings" by your young kids!


StacyLynne said...

Out of the mouths of babes. Wish I still had writing from my kids when they were this age to share. You gonna share the real recipe with us...this one was kinda vague :)

Anonymous said...

I am now on a quest to find what charges my happy batteries...

Jessica Grodzicki said...

Absolutely love this - she will be quite the writer some day ;) Just like her Mom! Keep 'em comin'! :)

Sue said...

Stace, Lars and Jessica, Thanks for visiting. Glad you enjoyed it. Kev and I were giggling so hard when we read it. Hoping to be able to charge "happy batteries" all around with this site. Hugs All. S

P.S. Stace..if you really want the recipe, I can give it to you..but you need to find something called Maggi...if you wantme to get you a link, I can. S