Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Banking On It!

What if every good thing you ever did, every warm word you ever uttered, every loving thought you ever had was deposited into a giant universal bank?  What if it was that way for everyone?  Every single good thing ever done, spoken or thought by anyone anywhere was placed, like a precious golden coin, into this universal depository.  And what if, like a 401K, your deposit was matched by the deposit of the good feeling, the sweet smile, the inner joy (each a golden coin in its own right) that YOUR action caused.  Can you imagine how full of love, goodness and joy this "bank" would be?  Can you imagine what an amazing place this depository would be to visit?  Now, what if this bank was named......"Heaven"?  Just a thought.  Keep making your deposits. And max out on that Heavenly 401K while you're at it.  I'm banking on it!